"I’m often curious as to how the trade magazines want us to reach out to them (when/how/exclusives/etc.), and I’m often left feeling like I perhaps didn’t get it right...like I’ve blown it on a first date 😊. I’d love to hear your insights on the proper protocol from the perspective of the trade magazine."

As a regular feature of the Beauty Insights newsletter from Deanna Utroske, I share tips on press release development and trade media outreach, and I answer your questions about B2B PR too.
This week's reader question (at the top of the page) comes from a beauty ingredient marketing specialist.
here is my quick advice:
Pitch news like this 👇🏼
send a short personal email
with a literal subject line
include an attached or in-line press release
include attached or linked photos
include contact information for someone to interview
If your news is embargoed or an exclusive, be very clear about that up front.
If you’re offering an exclusive and don’t know if the journalist/publication wants it, politely put an expiration date on your offer, noting that after that date, you will be reaching out to other media with this news.
However, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to sharing your team’s news and expertise with trade media journalists and editors. So, here is more of my advice:
Drop me an email 📬 hello@DeannaUtroske.com
let me know what questions you have about
writing press releases and reaching out to cosmetic and personal care industry media
Get to know the trade publications and people you want to share news with
Answer What You Can On Your Own.
Ask What You Need To Know.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to sharing your team’s news and expertise with trade media journalists and editors. So it’s wise to do a bit or research on each publication and person you’re hoping to reach.
As you know, media relations work is about…well…relationships. So to build a good working relationship with trade media journalists and editors, first Answer What You Can On Your Own.
What distinguishes the cosmetic and personal care industry trade publications that you share news with from other media that you pitch?
The short answer is, the audience. But take some time to understand each publication’s particular audience. Who reads the publication and why.
Knowing this will help you position the news in a way that will resonate with a majority of the publication’s readers.
This is what journalists are looking for: news of interest and import to their particular readership.
Familiarize yourself with the publication’s specialty or focus.
You may, for example, pitch the ‘same’ ingredient news to Cosmetics Business, to Personal Care Magazine, and to Specialty Chemicals Magazine, but each pitch should be tailored to carefully frame your news so it aligns with the particular publication’s focus.
The same is true for individual journalists. Make sure you’re pitching ingredient news to a journalist who covers ingredient topics.
Be mindful of the publication’s pace of publication. The details of when and how to share both everyday news and exclusive coverage will vary according to how, and how often, a publication goes out. A journalist working on a monthly print magazine will have different needs and expectations than a journalist writing for an online daily news site.
Understand each publication’s business model and how that influences the way journalists work with their sources. Some trade media have a preference for news from advertisers and sponsors. Some run press releases verbatim. And there are many other approaches too…
Find out if the publication has a publicly available editorial calendar and how it’s used in-house. Is it a guideline for the full year’s content, for the publication’s sales / advertising focus? And again, there are many other approaches for editorial calendars.
Get to know trade media journalists you want to share news with
Reach out to editors and journalists directly—before you have news to share—and Ask what you need to know. This is a relationship building opportunity and can be a good chance to briefly remind (or inform) a journalist about your company’s specialty too!
Ask the journalist you’re hoping to share news with:
· How they like to receive pitches
· What sort of lead time they want
· Do they want photos and press releases attached, available through a link, or not at all
· How often would they like to hear from your company
· What can you do to share news and help them connect with your company’s subject matter experts in a way that works for them
Of course be respectful of their preferences. And overtime, get to know your go-to journalist’s personalities and work styles.
And then, stay in touch! by sharing news and notes according to their preferences, by engaging on social media (if appropriate), at industry events (online and in-person). All of this will go a long way toward relationship building, keeping you and your company’ top-of-mind, and serve as an indication of your availability (to help them facilitate interviews and help them connect with your company’s subject matter experts).
Drop me an email 📬 hello@DeannaUtroske.com
let me know what questions you have about
writing press releases and reaching out to cosmetic and personal care industry media
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